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How to put God’s Word to work for you

Writer's picture: ladyefordladyeford

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17) Hebrews 4:12 says that the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. All I can think every time I read this scripture is WOW, that’s some power! But then I also think about how much of this power may remain unrealized if we don’t tap into it. Here are some tips on how to put this powerful tool to work for you on a daily basis:

Read it

In Matthew 22:23-29 the Sadducees asked Jesus a question related to the resurrection and marriage; Jesus’ response, before providing an answer, was to let them know that they were in error because they did not know the scripture or the power of God. Reading God’s word gives us access to knowledge about how our Father operates. God’s word is also filled with testimonies and witnesses of God’s Judgement and also his Love and the freedom that we have when we accept his son Jesus as our Lord and savior. Simply put, if you don’t know it’s there, then it can’t give you the hope, encouragement, instruction or direction that you need. 2 Timothy 3:16.

Decree and Declare it

Previously I referred to one of the benefits of reading the word being that you can gain direction or instruction. Sometimes you may be aware of where you want to be in life but have no idea how to get there. Compare that to trying to send someone a letter but you don’t have an address. If reading the word provides the ability to put an address on the letter in order to give it direction , then speaking God’s word is the same as putting the stamp on it so it can get where it needs to go. As believers we can have what we say (Mark 11:23-24) Speak daily those things that you are praying about and hoping for.

Share it

Sharing God’s word provides another opportunity to declare the salvation that we have through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and it also provides an opporunity to share our personal testimonies with others. When Jesus healed Legion (Mark 5:19) he told him to go home to his friends and tell them the great things that the Lord had done for him and the compassion he had on him.



Apr 19, 2022

I am loving this site and the words of wisdom. Thank you🙏🏾


Mar 24, 2022

Amen love this

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